Join us and other HR leaders as we kickstart our year of Intelligent HR – bringing together Automation, Artificial Intelligence and our deep-seated passion for HR!!

Automation, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence are advancing at a rate faster than we can keep up with and regulate.
Although its use in improving Employee Experience is much slower than its use for customers, there are compelling examples of where AI in HR is making a huge difference. For relatively low cost and effort, the benefits can be much bigger and much faster than moving to the cloud or integrating existing systems.
Veran has conducted extensive research into the art of the possible and Tom Holmes & Anton Fishman will share their vision for how HR can become more efficient and intelligent through the use of smart technology.
Kim Travers, Head of HR Services at TfL will challenge this vision and think critically about how highly automated processes and ‘all seeing all hearing robots’ would be received at Transport for London.
Having worked in HR for over 30 years, Kim will represent HR leaders globally who are thinking through how to leverage smart machines whilst keeping the Human in Human Resources. You can check out Kim’s profile page HERE.
Join us for a practical and energising party bringing innovation and intuition together to create intelligent HR wherever you are in your HR career:
Where: The Leather Market (Skinners) | Weston Street | London SE1 3ER
When: 30.01.19 from 18:30 – 21.00
What: Inspiring Talk on AI, Automation, Intelligent HR, drinks & nibbles
We have a great online network & host events in London & Manchester. Here are some extra ways you can get more involved if you want to!Subscribe to our YouTube Channel >> HERE<< to access all our free talks & videos.
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Keep an eye out on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and for more announcements throughout 2018!If you have any questions then feel free to contact us:
We look forward to seeing you at the party!