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Tom Nash at HR Game Changer

Tom Nash, Head of HR, Senior Talent Acquisition at Dixons Carphone

What do you do? I look after our senior talent acquisition and our hunt for intrepreneurs, we take a slightly different approach in that we don’t just recruit for a role – I’m looking to find and connect with great people that we can introduce to our business and then find them a role later on as long as they have our secret sauce we know we’ll find a home for them!

I also get to work with our intrepreneurs who are our up and coming future leaders that we are developing in a very different way to most people, from lifeboat training to Dragon’s Den style scenarios to help them find their own way it’s all about given them an experience that lets them form their own opinion and use that to grow their careers!

How did you get into HR? I was working in Retail, and had spent 9 months coaching and developing my team who went on to run their own stores which led me to have a conversation with my Area Manager about wanting to do a role where I get to spend more time developing people. He connected me with the Training Manager who offered me a role to deliver induction training and I’ve never looked back!

Three words to describe yourself? Passionate, Honest & Flexible

What did you want to be when you were a child? Most of the time, Batman, but I always wanted to work in the building trade as my Dad used to run a company that I helped out with during school holidays – though I never got paid for it…Somehow I ended up in HR…

What do you do when you’re not at work? I love photography, though generally landscapes, but my biggest passion now is cycling, I love on and off road as much as each other and I’m addicted to tracking my stats using an app called Strava. When I’m not out on a bike, I have a weird mixture of love for cigars, computer games and travelling though it’s hard to find the balance for all of them!


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